Spicers —
Packaging Series: RC Kraft


Spicers Australia have a diverse range of packaging boards and wanted to create an engaging promotional packaging design to showcase the unique qualities.

Our solution was to create a fictitious Cookie Dough product, coming up with the name, identity and packaging design. ‘Dough Mates: Made to share’ features two flavours of cookie dough, based around the idea that they should be enjoyed together - a nod to the multi-layer nature of the stock. This concept was part of the “food for fridge/freezer” category of Spicers packaging series.


Naming & Product Concepting
Packaging Design


Contain ↗


Foliolio ↗

Cookie dough packaging, Spicers RC Kraft board

The packaging needed to use both sides of the stock to showcase its versatility. We achieved this through creating a pack that folded inside-out to create a carry basket for the baked cookies. Print finishes included embossing, white and SpotUV.


Contain — Mindfully Made